Opo Squash Soup

How does one describe an Opo Squash? It’s not really a squash, but a gourd. These things could grow 3-4 feet long, which makes them appropriately known as “long squash” or “snake squash” as well.

My parents grew Opo Squash every spring through the fall in our backyard from seeds that they smuggled back from Vietnam. These plants are vines that climb and crawls so you would need a support lattice or some kind of horizontal supporting net. The long gourd grow vertically downwards and, as children, my siblings and I would use them as punching bags to our parent’s disapproval. People coveted these gourds! My parents generously shared their bounties and seeds but, nowadays, you could find starters at your local nursery.

There are certain dishes that brings you back to childhood or makes you nostalgic and Opo Squash soup is one of those for me.



1/3 – ½ opo squash

5 shrimps, peeled and deveined, chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced

5 cups chicken stock

2 Tbsp fish sauce

½ tsp monosodium glutamate (optional)

1 ½ tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

1 Tbsp olive oil



Cilantro, chopped

Green onions, chopped


In the traditional recipe, it is common to use dried shrimp for more of an intense umami flavor to your broth. I always have frozen shrimp on hand so that’s my go-to protein for these kind of soups. Peel, clean, and chopped up the shrimp if using fresh. Cut opo squash lengthwise in half then thinly slice into ¼ inch semi-circular pieces. 


In a large stockpot, heat up olive oil on medium-high heat.  Sauté garlic for a minute and add in chopped shrimp pieces for another 2 minutes. Deglaze the pot with chicken stock and bring to a boil. Add the opo squash and lower heat to medium-low then simmer for about 8 minutes until squash is cooked.  Season the soup with fish sauce, black pepper, and MSG if using to taste. 


Garnish with chopped cilantro and green onions and serve. Simple enough!


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